We got chatting and after I explained that the idea originally came from a dream I had, we then thought up some kind of scenario where we could make it appear like it was a dream. The person having that dream was the one to be sacrificed. In this dream the person would be walked to their death by warriors. The only problem we had with this was trying to incorporate a fly through camera in certain areas; this was so we could still display the landscape in more detail. So we weren’t that keen on cutting out the video fly through parts. Our supervisor also touched on the idea of it being a dream where a person is visiting their past life. We then developed this so that it could include voice over speaking of what they felt and did moments before being sacrificed. At the meeting we left it at that.
After the meeting me and will were full of idea so we went away to expand on them. We thought that the idea of having it as a dream would be somewhat corny and would not give enough of an ending. We then though maybe a animation of a previously scarified person in the form of a spirit could give us the best of both worlds e.g. both first person camera and fly through. We went on further and came refined our ideas to be, a spirit reliving its liast moments befoee be sacrificed and at times trying to escape by flying off out of its mortasl body, but opnly to get dragged back down. We also though that we could include a voice over expain how he felt reliving his death over and over again. The voice o er also helps aid the camera flying off and showoing some of the city landscape as , at any time when a camera might veer off, we could explain why with speech e.g the person could say “ i felt like i was drifting away from the terror”, this way it would not seem so unexpected and give the views more of an insight.
By having it as a spirit we could incorporate parts where the camera is shot in first person view (the person reliving their last moment) and be able to have the camera veer off to include parts of the landscape(as the spirit would try and escape it last moments but would be dragged back down). By having the two camera aspects and a voice over we have added another level to our animation and given it more purpose.
The voice over would speak of how the person felt as he approached his death again, and again. He would also mention that everything was so familiar, and how he would try and escape his mortal body, and each time getting further away. But inevitably the ending is always the same.
Here is a mock up of a script that we have designed

After the script was written we planned out the camera route and applied a vocal to it. This was our first result.