Our initial idea for one of the final scenes was to have a dead body thrown down a large set of steps... We decided this was too hard to animate and scrapped the idea... until now!
I did some research on creating ragdolls in maya. Using a ragdoll would mean that we can set a character up and have it interact with its surroundings without having to animate a single frame... The results will also be more realistic.
Heres a test video of our ragdoll mk1... The high poly mesh still needs to be parented to the low poly proxy model in order for it to work, i am meeting with David later this afternoon to resolve this issue.
It still needs some fine tuning to get the desired effect, but its almost there.
I have also been busy rigging our characters... I now have 4 fully rigged people, 2 women, 2 men. TSM was used to speed up the process, i found it very easy rigging this way. The priest still needs to be rigged.